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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This material has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for review and publication in another journal (or explained in the editor's Comments).
  • The file with the material is presented in Microsoft Word document format for Windows.
  • Full Internet addresses (URLS) are provided for links where it is possible.
  • The text is single-line spaced; a 12-point font size is used; italics rather than underscores are used for emphasis (except for URLS); and all illustrations, graphs, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, not at the end of the document.
  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the authors ' Guide, which can be found on the "about"page.
  • Expert opinion in the format .the pdf must be uploaded to the website along with the article or submitted to the editor by mail ( or in person.

Author Guidelines

Requirements for the design of articles for publication in the "Vestnik USATU"

An electronic copy of the article should be prepared in Microsoft Word format in accordance with the current version of the layout posted on the publication’s website; authors should not use outdated versions.

The number of authors of the article should be no more than 5 people.

The article should be at least 6 full pages (up to metadata).

The article should be no more than 12 pages long. If the volume of the article is exceeded, the question of the possibility of publication in each specific case is decided by the editorial board.

A4 format margins of 2 cm, upper 2.5 cm, indent 0.63 cm, font (typeface) - Times New Roman, 12 size, set in 2 columns, alignment of the main text - in width.

The design of the header, see the site.

Word wrap is automatic.

For the accuracy of the reproduction of names, quotes, formulas, the responsibility (bear) the author (co-authors).

Units of measurement and their numerical designations, initials and surnames should be combined using an inextricable space, it is forbidden to put extra spaces between words.

The oblique cross sign ? cannot be replaced with the letter x. When writing an article, it is necessary to distinguish between hyphens (-) and dashes (-).


    1. The figure must have a name or description (10 size).
    2.  Figures should be associated with the text and mentioned in it (Fig. 1, etc.).
    3. All drawings must be of high quality and informative.
    4. If the picture consists of several parts and has a common signature, then the individual parts are indicated in Russian lowercase letters in italics (a, b, c, etc.); the numbers of individual parts of the figure are indicated by Arabic numerals      (1, 2, 3, etc.).
    5. Color - shades of gray.
    6. Large drawings should be pressed to the top or bottom, small ones should be embedded in the text to the width of the column.


    1. The table must have a name or description (10 size, bold).
    2. The table should be associated with the text and mentioned in it (table. 1, table. 2, etc.).
    3. The text in the cells of the table should be designed in the same way (the same font, size 10, alignment of the text).
    4. The bottom and side borders are transparent.


    1. Center position, right-side numbering. The formulas referenced in the text are numbered.
    2. Type simple formulas as text, complex formulas in EquationEditor editors,
    3. Size: regular - 12 pt; large index - 7 pt; small index - 5 pt; large symbol - 18 pt; small symbol - 12 pt
    4. The transfer is primarily on the signs of the relations (=, ?, <,>, etc.), in the second - on the signs +, -, last - on the multiplication sign in the form of an oblique cross (?). Carrying on the division mark is not allowed. The mathematical sign, on  which the formula breaks during the transfer, must be repeated at the beginning of the second line.


    1. Without "suspended" indentation.
    2. Style see in the layout of the article.
    3. Auto formatting is not recommended.

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