Centrifugal type compressor composite blade structure influence on its stress-strain state


  • Vladimir Sergeevich Zhernakov FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Yuriy Sergeevich Pervushin FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Pavel Vladimirovich Solovev FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)


composite; layer; stress; deformation, centrifugal compressor, blade, structure


The theoretical bases of calculation of stressed and strained states of centrifugal type compressor composite blades are presented in the article. The main external force factors acting on the centrifugal compressor blade are determined. The results of a computational experiment on revealing the influence of the blade structure (angles of layers stacking) on the stresses in the plies and the deformed state of the blade are presented. The simulation was performed in ANSYS software using the ANSYS Composite Prepost module. Material of the blade is a layered fibrous carbon plastic based on a carbon tape and a polyimide matrix. The results of the simulation made it possible to determine the structure of the composite compressor blade, which most fully corresponds to the external field of mechanical and temperature loads.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Sergeevich Zhernakov, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

prof., zav. kaf. sopr. mate­rialov. Dipl. inzhener-mehanik (UAI, 1967). D-r tehn. nauk po tepl. dvigatelyam letateln. apparatov (UGATU, 1992). Zasl. deyatel nauki RF, chlen-korr. AN RB. Issl. v obl. mehaniki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela.

Yuriy Sergeevich Pervushin, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

prof. kaf. sopr. materia­lov.  Dipl. inzh.-meh. (UAI, 1958). D-r tehn. nauk po di­namike i prochnosti mashin i apparatov (Chelyab. poli­tehn. in-t, 1991). Issl. v obl. meh-ki i termomeh-ki kom­pozic. mate­rialov.

Pavel Vladimirovich Solovev, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

doc. kaf. materi­alo­vedeniya i fiziki metallov. Dipl. inzh. (UGATU, 2009), dipl. k.t.n. (UGATU, 2016) Issl. v obl. meh-ki i tehnolo­gii izgot. izdel. iz kom­pozic. mate­rialov



