Category of “goods value” and its features
Стоимость това-ра; стоимость благ; стоимость факторов производства; механизм и процесс формиро-вания стоимости; субстанция и величина стоимости; элементы стоимости; виды вели-чины стоимости; соотносительность характера стоимости; стоимостеобразующие факторы.Abstract
In the article we substantiate the necessity of using “macroeconomic approach” to investigation of the contents of goods value, and we give the author’s definition of goods value. We disclose the multi-aspect and multi-levelness of doubleness in the process of goods value formation and of the value itself. We prove that one of the main system–forming factors is the existing institutional media. We also found the thesis that market price is the external outcome of the goods value.Downloads