Electric discharge in electrotechnical complexes and systems


  • Vladislav Maksimilianovich Kulyapin
  • Ruslan Railevich Badamshin


Электрический разряд; скорость электрической эрозии; электротехнические комплексы и системы


Perfection of electrotechnical complexes and systems is frequently accompanied by wide application as plasma sources electons and ions of various kinds of categories (an arch, the decaying category, the hollow cathode etc.). There is a question of working out of the theory of the difficult interconnected processes of thermionic issue and problems of non-stationary heat conductivity with phase transformations and ablation of weight by evaporation. These processes occur in the field of cathodic falling of the potential, having high concentration of energy. In the present article results of researches interconnected heat-physical and issue processes are stated and values of parametres of pulse and stationary electric categories are defined. The paper describes processes of reception of steams of metals by means of an electric arch.




