Application of a chirped signal for construction of adaptive fiber-optical networks


  • Irina Leonidovna Vinogradova
  • Aydar Aglyamovich Kashbiev
  • Vladimir Georgievich Zevig
  • Denis Sergeevich Kostyuk
  • Renat Halitovich Hasanov
  • Damir Islamnurovich Turayzyanov


Optical transfer systems, chirp of signal radiation, chromatic dispersion, self-phase modulation, transformation of an optical signal.


 In the article the telecommunication tasks are considered, for which decision the chirp effect of optical pulses can be used. The analytical expression describing a pulse, generated by the semi-conductor laser, with chirped fronts is offered. It is shown, that with attraction of nonlinear optical effects of phase modulation the functional transformation of a kind «the form of a signal – chirp function» can be realized. The examples of some such circuits are given. The concept of a passive optical network intended for service long (is offered 100... 150 kms) user's segments. It is shown also, that such circuit allows largely to lower the charges on escalating lengths of segments in comparison with traditional technology in the given area.




