The efficiency limits of the traditional gas turbine engines


  • Venedikt Stepanovich Kuzmichev FGAOU VO «Samarskiy nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet imeni akademika S. P. Koroleva»
  • Andrey Yurevich Tkachenko FGAOU VO «Samarskiy nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet imeni akademika S. P. Koroleva»
  • Evgeniy Pavlovich Filinov FGAOU VO «Samarskiy nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet imeni akademika S. P. Koroleva»


design, mathematical model, small-sized gas turbine engine, the parameters of the working process, section, multi-criteria optimization


The influence of the dimension of the turbojet engine at the optimum values of its working parameters of the proprocess (total pressure ratio and temperature of the gas before the turbine) and a choice of constructive-term motor circuit. Optimization parameters held in multicriteria formulation based on functional limitations, the criteria selected as specific fuel consumption at cruising speed, and the total mass of the power plant and the fuel needed for the flight of the aircraft at a given distance-ness. As aircrafts are considered aircraft and cruise missiles target. The regions of optimal parameters of the workflow of small turbojet engine thrust in the range from 0.1 kN to 2 kN. It has been shown that a decrease in size of the engine optimum values of the working pro-process parameters are reduced, and the area of optimal parameters are narrowed. The rational, in Kosovo-kupnosti criteria, the parameters of the working process and design schemes of small turbojet engines to depending on the engine thrust and its purpose.

Author Biographies

Venedikt Stepanovich Kuzmichev, FGAOU VO «Samarskiy nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet imeni akademika S. P. Koroleva»

prof. kaf. teorii dvigateley letatelnyh apparatov. D-r tehn. nauk po teplovym, elektroraketnym dvigatelyam i energoustanovkam LA (SGAU, 2000). Issl. v obl. razrabotki avtomatizirovannyh sredstv proektirovaniya GTD.

Andrey Yurevich Tkachenko, FGAOU VO «Samarskiy nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet imeni akademika S. P. Koroleva»

doc. kaf. teorii dvigateley letatelnyh apparatov. Dipl. inzh.-konstr. (SGAU, 2005). Kand. tehn. nauk po teplovym, elektroraketnym dvigatelyam i energoustanovkam LA (SGAU, 2009). Issl. v obl. razrabotki avtomatizirovannyh sredstv proektirovaniya GTD.

Evgeniy Pavlovich Filinov, FGAOU VO «Samarskiy nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet imeni akademika S. P. Koroleva»

asp. kaf. teorii dvigateley letatelnyh apparatov. Dipl. inzh. konstr. (SGAU, 2015). Gotovit diss. o metodah i sredstvah virtualnyh ispytaniy gazoturbinnyh dvigateley na etape konceptualnogo proektirovaniya.



