Applying various methodologies for designing information systems: an ontological approach to design


  • Alexander Nurovich Nabatov
  • Igor Eduardovich Vedenyapin


ontological approach, ontological model, informatition systems design, entitity-relatitionship diagram, BPMN modeling, comparatitive analysis


Despite the fact that in the modern world there are a huge number of information systemsthat automate various aspects of life and business, new systems are constantly being createdand implemented. Some of the existing systems are being developed, expanded and even moved to higher levels of automation. In the last few years, the trend towards the intellectualization of information systems has become apparent. True, it should be noted that the IT field is only taking the first steps in this direction, and therefore intelligence is understood as the widest set of properties, from the simplest inference algorithms to full-fledged expert systems. Ontological engineering occupies a separate place in the processes of designing information systems, allowing you to provide effective and timely support for decision-making in resolving problem situations based on knowledge management technologies, taking into account the capabilities of modern information technologies.The article is devoted to the issues of joint application of various information systems design methodologies, in particular, ontological modeling, entity-relationship modeling, BPMN modeling.




