Digital information and analytical system of development management (DIASDM) of the university. Part 1. Design of a digital model of university development


  • Sergey Vladimirovich Novikov


digital information-analytical system of university development management, multiagent technology, discrete-event model, situational analysis, transfer of efficient technologies


This paper presents the architecture of the digital information-analytical system for  managing the development of the university, based on the decomposition of the system into structural elements and of the integration of methods and tools for discrete-event, situational, multi-agent, simulation and expert modeling. To give the information-analytical system of the university management functions, all objects and processes were integrated with the event monitoring system related to the analysis of the system of indicators. One of the main advantages of the proposed digital control system in a highly competitive academic environment is the quick response of the system to emerging challenges and the possibility of transferring effective technologies. The discrete-event model allows you to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of processes based on the analysis of a system of indicators. An assessment of the efficiency of using a dynamic intelligent control system for the information and educational space of the university is given.




