Determination of the scope and operating conditions of the complex for providing search and rescue operations of helicopters


  • Andronov Vladimir Germanovich Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia.
  • Mukhin Ivan Efimovich Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia.
  • Koptev Dmitry Sergeevich Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia
  • Chuev Andrey Alekseevich Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia
  • Shuklina Yulia Vadimovna Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia


complex for search and rescue operations, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, laser-television module, forward-looking radar station, radar station for sensing the underlying surface


Carrying out search and rescue operations in a unified aviation search system is associated with the use of duty search and rescue aircraft, and, consequently, with the tasks of ensuring flight safety. The greatest danger for helicopter flights at extremely low altitudes are subtle obstacles that are poorly detected by visual observation at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility associated with meteorological factors. A structural and functional scheme of the complex for providing search and rescue operations using helicopters in the Arctic zone is proposed, its composition is shown, the performance characteristics of the main modules and the main modes of visualization of the outside environment are indicated. The solution to the problem of creating a complex is relevant, since it allows visualizing small-sized obstacles along the flight path, in coastal sea areas, on the sea surface, as well as warning the crew about approaching them, providing pilots with additional information about the underlying surface when landing on an unequipped site

Author Biographies

Andronov Vladimir Germanovich, Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia.

Prof. of the KPISS Department. Diploma of Radio engineer (Military Engineering Red Banner Institute named after A.F. Mozhaisky, 1981). Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 25.00.34 Aerospace Earth Research, Photogrammetry (Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, 2017). Research in the field of development of mathematical models, methods and techniques of autonomous photogrammetric processing of space scanner images

Mukhin Ivan Efimovich, Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia.

Prof. kaf. KPiSS. Dipl. radio engineer (Voronezh. paul. in-t, 1977). Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 20.01.09 Military Control Systems, Communications and Navigation (Technical Sciences) (S.M. Budyonny Military Academy of Communications, 2012). Research in the field of development of diagnostic systems and prognostics of the technical condition of critical components of aircraft

Koptev Dmitry Sergeevich, Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia

art. prep. kaf. KPiSS. Dipl. Teacher-researcher (South State University, 2022). Research in the field of development of a device for non-invasive diagnostics of the functional state of an aircraft pilot during flight

Chuev Andrey Alekseevich, Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia

art. prep., asp. kaf. KPiSS. Dipl. Master's degree (SWSU, 2019). Research in the field of development of methods of autonomous navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles

Shuklina Yulia Vadimovna, Southwest State University (SWSU), Russia

1st-year master's student of the KPiSS Faculty. Dipl. Bachelor's degree (SWSU, 2022). Issl. in the field of ensuring the safety of aircraft flights




