Determination of fatigue crack growth rate characteristics in vacuum of Ni-based alloy EP741NP


  • Nemtsev Dmitrii Vladimirovich A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau – Branch of PJSC «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»
  • Marchukov Evgeny Yuvenalevich A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau – Branch of PJSC «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»
  • Artamonov Maxim Anatolievich A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau – Branch of PJSC «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»


fatigue crack growth rate in vacuum, EP741NP powder Ni-based alloy, crack resistance of GTE discs


The article presents the results of testing special cylindrical specimens with an embedded defect to obtain characteristics of fatigue crack growth rate in vacuum. Fractographic studies of the specimens were conducted to determine the size of fatigue striations. The crack propagation fronts at different stages of growth were reconstructed, and finite element analysis was performed to determine the stress intensity factors. Based on the obtained data, kinetic diagrams of fatigue crack growth were constructed

Author Biographies

Nemtsev Dmitrii Vladimirovich, A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau – Branch of PJSC «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»

Leading Designer in the Life Analysis and Control Team of the Strength Department, A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau. Dipl. Engineer (MAI, 2015)

Marchukov Evgeny Yuvenalevich, A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau – Branch of PJSC «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»

General Designer – Director of the A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau. Dipl. Engineer (MAI, 1979). Dr. of Tech. Sci. (1998). Corresponding member of RAS (2022)

Artamonov Maxim Anatolievich, A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau – Branch of PJSC «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»

Head of the Strength Test Team of the Strength Department, A. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau. Dipl. Engineer-Physicist-Technologist (MATI, 1998). Cand. of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (MATI, 2006)




